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Hospital Pointer
Albany Hospital (ABA)
Armidale Hospital (ARM)
Ballarat Base Hospital (BAL)
Bankstown / Lidcombe Hospital (BKL)
Bendigo Base Hospital (BEN)
Blacktown Hospital (BMD)
Box Hill Hospital (BOX)
Bunbury Hospital (BRH)
Bundaberg Hospital (H14)
Cabrini Malvern Hospital (CHM)
Cairns Hospital (CNS)
Campbelltown Hospital (CAM)
Canterbury Hospital (CAN)
Coffs Harbour Base Hospital (CFS)
Concord Hospital (CRG)
Dandenong Hospital (DDH)
Dubbo Base Hospital (DBO)
Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH)
Flinders Medical Centre (FMC)
Footscray Hospital (FOO)
Frankston Hospital (FRA)
Geelong Hospital (GUH)
Geraldton Regional Hospital (GRH)
Gold Coast University Hospital (GCH)
Gosford Hospital (GOS)
Goulburn Base Hospital (GLB)
Grafton Hospital (GBH)
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital (HKH)
Ipswich Hospital (IPS)
John Hunter Hospital (JHH)
Joondalup Hospital (JHC)
Launceston Hospital (LGH)
Lismore Base Hospital (LBH)
Liverpool Hospital (LIV)
Logan Hospital (LOG)
Lyell McEwin Hospital (LMH)
Mackay Base Hospital (MKY)
Maitland Hospital (TMH)
Manning Base Hospital (MBH)
Maroondah Hospital (MAR)
Mater Hospital (MSB)
Nambour Hospital (NBR)
Nepean Hospital (NEP)
North West Regional Hospital (NWR)
Northeast Health Wangaratta Hospital (NHW)
Northern Beaches Hospital (NBH)
Orange Health Service Hospital (OHS)
Port Macquarie Base Hospital (PMB)
Prince of Wales Hospital (POW)
Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH)
QEII Hospital (QII)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH)
Redcliffe Hospital (RED)
Robina Hospital (ROB)
Rockhampton Hospital (ROK)
Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH)
Royal Darwin Hospital (DAR)
Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)
Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH)
Royal North Shore Hospital (RNS)
Royal Perth Hospital (RPH)
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA)
Ryde Hospital (RYD)
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCG)
St George Hospital (STG)
St Vincent's Hospital Darlinghurst (SVD)
St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne (SVM)
Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCU)
Tamworth Hospital (TAM)
The Alfred (TAH)
The Northern Hospital (TNH)
The Prince Charles Hospital (PCH)
The Sutherland Hospital (TSH)
Toowoomba Hospital (TWB)
Townsville Hospital (TSV)
Tweed Hospital (TWE)
Wagga Wagga Base Hospital (WGG)
Werribee Mercy Hospital (WMH)
Westmead Hospital (WMD)
Wollongong Hospital (TWH)
Not identified (H03)
Not identified (H04)
Not identified (H09)
Report Type
QS1. Cognitive Assessment prior to surgery
QS2. Analgesia within 30 minutes of presentation
QS2. Pain Assessment within 30 minutes of ED presentation
QS2. Nerve Block prior to surgery
QS3. Clinical Frailty Assessment
QS3. Assessed by Geriatric Medicine
QS4. Surgery within 36 hours
QS4. Surgery within 48 hours
QS5. First Day Walking
QS5. No New Pressure Injuries
QS5. Return to Pre-fracture Mobility
QS5. Unrestricted Weight Bearing
QS6. Bone Medication on Discharge
QS6. Specialist Falls Assessment
QS7. Return to Private Residence at 120 days
Age at admission
Usual place of residence
Preadmission cognitive status
Preadmission walking ability
Ward type
Preoperative medical assessment
Preoperative cognitive assessment
Pain assessment in emergency department
Pain management in emergency department
Use of nerve blocks
Treatment with surgery
Consultant surgeon present and scrubbed during surgery
Reason for delay longer than 48 hours
Type of anaesthesia
Fracture type
Time to Surgery
Weight bearing status
Opportunity for first day mobilisation
First day walking
Assessed by geriatric medicine
Hospital acquired pressure injuries of the skin
Specialist falls assessment
Assessment of delirium
Clinical malnutrition assessment
Discharge destination from acute ward
Bone protection medication on admission
Bone protection medication on discharge
120 Day Follow up
Reoperation within 120 days
Bone protection medication at 120 days
Return to private residence at 120 days
Return to prefracture mobility at 120 days
Delay to Surgery
Reporting Year
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